
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Jewelry Tools by Miland

Miland Suess designs and handcrafts specialized metal forming tools for silversmiths, wire artists, beaders and jewelry repair. Artisans tell us that Miland's unique hand tools clearly save them time and effort while increasing their creativity, capabilities and quality. Each tool comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee and a lifetime warranty.

Puts two curvatures into flat stock simultaneously without marring. Create a bracelet in minutes, not hours. Also makes rings, bangles and is indispensable in doing jewelry repair.

Miland Suess watched and listened to artisans who were using metal forming tools that have not improved for thousands of years. He then went to work designing, testing and manufacturing a series of time-saving jewelry tools that his customers love because they work.

Similar to the Synclastic tools but produces a concave curve instead of a convex curve. Previously you had to use a dapping tool which was time consuming and did not produce a fine, finished product.

Miland has been an innovator and inventor since he was a child. After working as a Harley-Davidson motorcycle mechanic in his teens, he served in the U.S. Navy as a rear gunner on a Curtis SB2C Hell Diver dive bomber during WWII. Miland married in 1946 and settled in Chicago to raise 5 children. He worked there for 20 years as a well respected Lincolnwood Police Sergeant, saving lives and putting crooks behind bars. As Miland states with a smile: "I used to be in a business where the customer was often wrong. Now I am in a business where the customer is always right."

Puts precise, circular indentations and domes into metal for decorative purposes. Partial indentations can also be achieved by using the tool on the edge of the metal as shown in picture on the right.

After retiring from the police department, Miland began designing and manufacturing hand tools for electricians and metal workers and continued doing so after moving to Arizona in 1984. In 1996, he was approached by a professional jeweler who expressed the need for a specialized tool to form compound curves into metal. In response, Miland designed and patented his first jewelers tool (The "Synclastic" tool, U.S. Patent number 5,513,513) and went on to design and manufacture over a dozen jewelry making tools and jewelry repair tools. Besides designing and manufacturing jewelry tools, Miland also restores classic vehicles including a 1957 Thunderbird, a 1949 Cadillac, and a 1947 Indian Chief Motorcycle. People who have met Miland appreciate his ingenuity, integrity, friendliness and sense of humor.

Double Cylinder Ring Makers:
Two different sized cylinders are used to put medium radius curves into flat metal stock and wire. Result can easily be resized on a mandrel. Perfect for making rings, earrings and children's bracelets

Miland enjoys making quality tools, you will enjoy using them, and your customers will appreciate the results.

Texture Hammers: Textures flat metal and wire. Three different faces are available. The back end is flat and polished, like having two hammers in one. The beautiful patterns these hammers put into metal have to be seen to be appreciated.

There are video demos of all of the tools at:

You can contact Miland at:

Jewelry Tools by Miland
Toll Free: (877) 463-8046

...and be sure to check in with him at the Tucson Electric Park venue at the Tucson Gem Show this February – look for him in the “Tool Tent”! There are usually new tools that aren’t available on the website and texture hammers that he is experimenting with. Miland also make tools to meet your custom specs!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Bench Television - Upgrade Your Skills Today!

From Jewelry Designers to Bench Jewelers to know how much easier it is to learn a technique when you can SEE it!

This may be your favorite teacher – you watch when YOU want (put the kids to bed and pull out the computer), it doesn’t matter because these teachers are always available and the classes never reach capacity!

...and speaking of teachers – this roster reads
like a Who’s Who in the Jewelry Industry:

Brad Simon (Founder and Presenter)
Publishes the popular Bench Magazine and E-Bench Newsletter (the online edition).
Gerry Lewy – Canadian Diamond Setter, presents stone-setting
Steve Satow – Tool Genius and Laser Welding
Wayne Emery – Award Winning Jewelry Photography
Jurgen Maerz – Platinum Guild
...and special guests!

From the Welcome:

Welcome! We hope you enjoy this unique opportunity to see some of the most respected Master Jewelers explain their techniques and tips to making and repairing jewelry.

To their NEW affordable MONTHLY Membership!!!
Click on the “Preview Channel” button above to see many of the pilot episodes for free and see the show titles of all the shows now playing on the Members Only Channels. PLUS check out the “Network Affiliates” and “New Product” channels to see product information and tutorial videos.
Members of the Bench Television Network have unlimited access to all of these Channels and shows. Over 50 episodes playing continually.

Bench Jewelers Television Network utilizes IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) to feed high quality video streams to your computer screen. Bench Jewelers Television Network provides standard 720 X 480 resolution television streams of high quality training videos in monthly television episodes, with New Episodes Every Month!

The Bench Jewelers Television Network is a full television network with different channels of interest to Bench Jewelers and is aired over the Internet. Channels include, Shop Management, Stone Setting, Jewelry Repair, Custom Manufacturing, Laser Welding, Bench Techniques, New Products, and more. Each channel has different shows of related topics.

Jewelry Photography~ Great Images
Jewelry Repair~ PUK Welder
Laser Welding ~ Laser Fabrication ~ Laser Retipping ~ Laser Setting
Platinum ~ Platinum Fabrication ~ Platinum Expert
Stonesetting~ Gemz Setting ~ Set Em' Straight
Tips~ Customize Your Tools ~ Favorite Tips ~ Howard Academy

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