
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

ZAPP Conference

ZAPP Conference
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 12:00 pm -
Friday, August 21, 2009 2:00 pm (Mountain Time)

Curtis Hotel Denver
1405 Curtis Street
Denver, Colorado 80202

Map and Directions™ will present a conference for system user artists and event administrators in August, 2009. The three-day conference is sponsored by the Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF), the manager of the ZAPP™ system, and will take place in downtown Denver at the Curtis Hotel from Wednesday, August 19, through Friday, August 21, 2009.

The 2009 ZAPP™ User Conference will bring together event administrators, artists, consultants, and event staff—all of whom use the ZAPP™ system or will soon join the more than 330 events and 40,000 artists currently using the system.

Main subject areas for various panel sessions and training workshops include: ZAPP™ system training and technical assistance, organizing the art fair community, the state of the art fair field, marketing and advertising for artists and events, adopting new technologies, the impact of the current economy on artists and events, tools for reducing financial burdens associated with art businesses, jury protocol and process, image formatting, and understanding image technology.

The cost for all conference attendees is $265 per person.

The ZAPP™ system, a non-profit partnership of eight major arts festivals and WESTAF, has been greeted with great enthusiasm by both art festival administrators and artists since its launch in 2004. ZAPP™ allows artists to apply to events online and art festivals to easily manage their application, administration, and jury processes online. The cost-effective system saves administrators and artists valuable time and money by eliminating the need for excessive data entry and application packet preparation, expensive repeat trips to the post office, and the use of slides or CDs of images altogether. With ZAPP™, event administrators have more time available to focus on the actual event without being bogged down in tedious administrative tasks. In addition, the ZAPP™ system's digital jury process ensures jurors see artists' work as they intended via high-quality digital images.

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