
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Christine Dhein Announces Green Jewelry Archives

You all know that I am a huge fan of Christine Dhein and her Green Jewelry News...I have some GOOD NEWS!!!! Past articles are now archived for all to read! The Green Jewelry News is only available by subscription (Free) and every issue is chock full of great articles and tips for greener jewelry design...enjoy reading the articles you may have missed!
Green Jewelry Archives
Now Available On-Line!

GJN Archive 6

Images from the
Green Jewelry News archives

Readers and students often ask me where to find information that I have covered in past issues of Green Jewelry News. To make this important information available to everyone, I have archived past issues.

Below is a list of the featured articles from past issue and a link to each.

August, 2009
Summer Exhibitions Go Green!
Marketing Green Jewelry
Tips from our Readers - Green Shipping Materials by Tamara McFarland

May, 2009
Brilliant ReUse Exhibition & Demos at Maker Faire
Mining Reform Bill
Write Your Representatitves
Tips from Our Readers - Reduce Pickel Use by James Binnion

April, 2009 - Earth Day Issue
Tips from our Readers - Green Studio Practices by WILLYjewelry
Responsible Jewelry Council
Successful Students Set Green Jewelry Goals
Sustainable Jewelry Raises Funds for Charity

February, 2009
Obama's Call to Action
Ask Your Suppliers
Green Jewelry Class
Energy Efficiency Checklist

December, 2008
Jewelry_cycle Update
Recycled Gift Wrapping
Tip of the Month - Chemical Responsibility

November, 2008 - Premier Issue
Radical Jewelry Makeover
Tip of the Month - Cleaning Sterling without Chemicals

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