
Monday, June 20, 2011

Collectible Frank Patania Silver - New Pieces Available!

Recently, Arizona Jeweler, Sam Patania, sent a notice to friends and collectors of Frank Patania Sr.'s Silverwork:

"I have received a 9 piece collection of jewelry given by my grandfather, Frank Patania Sr., to his sister when he would take trips back to New York City from Santa Fe, NM  to visit his family. Three of the pieces, a bracelet in sterling and coral, a necklace in sterling and coral and a pin in sterling and turquoise have my grandfather's personal hallmark. The others have combinations of the hallmarks used by the craftsmen in Frank's studio. These pieces will be provided with written provenance for collectors.

This is a once in a life time opportunity to own vintage Patania jewelry with clear provenance, given with love by Frank Patania Sr. himself, to his sister from the 1930's to the 1950's.

Photographs, written descriptions and pricing provided by request."

Contact Info at the bottom of this article...

Frank Patania, Sr. is the first generation Jeweler in a Family Dynasty that runs Three Generations - Sam is the current generation of a family whose work is installed in the Smithsonian.  

For those who may not be familiar with the Patania name, a bit to whet your curiousity:
Frank Patania, Sr.
Three generations of Patania men have been working for over 70 years, creating jewelry and decorative objects that have come to be known for their excellence in craftsmanship and design. In October 2000, Kenneth Trapp, co-curator of the Smithsonian's Renwick Gallery, took possession of three Patania bracelets to be placed in the museum's permanent jewelry collection.
Frank Patania, Jr.

The renowned Renwick Gallery's acknowledgment of the family's work came as no surprise to those who were already admirers, clients, and collectors of Patania pieces, but the move did confirm the family's important role in 20th century jewelry.

Sam Patania 
Trapp himself perhaps said it best, in talking to the Arizona Daily Star, October 25, 2000 about the acquired Patania bracelets: "I really feel that these three pieces represent the very best of craftspeople and designers. What interests me is the quality of design-they're absolutely stunning." 

From Patania: 70 years of Excellence  by Shari Watson Miller 

For more info click thru - the Miller article is accompanied by dramatic photos of truly stunning jewelry that is a piece of our history!

Frank, Sr. was an Italian immigrant whose work was dramatically and forever changed with his introduction to SouthWest style of Native American silversmiths in the 1920's.  The result of the marriage of the two styles became known as the Patania Thunderbird Style.

The significance of these new pieces is HUGE - the provenance couldn't get any better.  Being a gift to his own sister.  Inquiries, prices and information will be provided on request.

Sam Patania can be reached through his website at:

Additional information and resources:
Shari Miller's complete article:
Bahti Indian Arts:

I hope you enjoy clicking through these resources and learning about the talent of the Patania Jewelers. You will find a style that works for you - whether you are drawn to the Southwest style of Frank, Sr; the clean modernist work of Frank, Jr or the still emerging style of Sam Patania, the current standard bearer of the family!


  1. Nice piece, wish I could afford

  2. Save up - it is always nice to own a piece of US history that looks this GOOD! much better than a history book! ;-)
