
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Gold & Time Editor, Arquero Dies at 55

Jose (Pepe) Arquero Hidalgo 
1956- 2011

Jose (Pepe) Arquero Hidalgo, the long-time editor and publisher of the Spanish gem and jewellery magazine "Gold & Time," passed away on Thursday, October 6, inMadrid, Spain.

Arquero, who was known to his many friends, acquaintances and clients as "Pepe," suffered a brain hemorrhage on Wednesday as he was leaving his office for  the day. 
Pepe_Arquero"Pepe was an icon in the Spanish gem and jewellery business  community and known by all as a kind and affable man. His, knowledge, insights and mostly his warm, outgoing personality and friendship will be greatly missed," a close friend said.

Upon the announcement of his death, friends and colleagues began paying their respects on Arquero's Facebook page, sending condolences to Pepe's wife Teresa, and his children Teresa, Jose and Marta. Even those who know only a little bit of Spanish will be able to understand the touching words written  by one of his friends:

"Buen amigo, grande, generoso, grande, feliz, grande , entusiasta, muy grande, hombre sobresaliente, inmenso, grande, cariño, vital, grande, nunca olvidare, gran amigo, indispensable, grande, bueno, muy grande, generoso, gran vacío, maravillosas palabras, generosidad contagiosa, hambre de vivir que enseña, grandisimo, alegria, su buena voluntad, uno de los principales impulsores, informadores, gran comunicador, amigo, fiel compañero, puntal, grande, su generosidad. . . . . .

Adjetivos repetidos una vez tras otra, denominador común: Grande! por fuera y por dentro, grande como el vació que dejas, grande como el recuerdo que nos queda y mas grande porque tu generosidad ha conseguido mantener parte de ti vivo regalando vida, tu ultimo gran gesto, es lo mas grande a lo que puede aspirar un ser humano tan inmensamente grande."

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