
Monday, December 5, 2011

Deadline for the MJSA 21st Annual Vision Awards

Deadline for the 21st Annual MJSA Vision Awards Competition 
coming up on December 15, 2011!

Every year, the association celebrates outstanding talent in the field of jewelry design with our MJSA Vision Awards competition. The winning designers and students represent the future of the jewelry manufacturing industry--and the Vision Awards competition showcases their creativity and boosts their careers.

2nd Pl. Professional Julie Buckareff
Julie Buckareff, 2nd Pl. Professional 2011
MJSA ensures the Vision Award winners receive the recognition they deserve by promoting their triumph through the industry's leading publications, which in 2012 will include Instore, Metalsmith, and the association's own MJSA Journal. In addition, their winning entries will be on display for thousands of buyers and exhibitors during the annual MJSA ExpoNew York, the largest and oldest trade show in the U.S. dedicated to the design and manufacture of jewelry, which will be heldMarch 11-13, 2012. Other prizes include gift certificates of up to $500 (courtesy of Rio Grande), cash awards, book libraries, and, for student winners, scholarships up to $1,000.

Design ExcellenceHonors designs that exhibit exceptional creativity, craftsmanship, and marketability.

Visionary Technical SolutionHonors designs in which specific technical challenges--such as combining two non-complementary metals--were overcome to take the piece from concept to completion.

Laser Distinction
Sponsored by LaserStar Technologies Corp.
Recognizes entries in which the design relied upon the use of a laser.
Gold Distinction
Sponsored by Hoover & Strong
Recognizes entries that include a minimum of 75% of a karat gold alloy in the design.
Palladium Distinction
Sponsored by Palladium Alliance International
Recognizes entries that include a minimum of 75% of the design metal(s) in 950 palladium.

Platinum Distinction
Sponsored by Platinum Guild International
Recognizes entries that include a minimum of 75% of the design metal(s) in either 90% or 95% platinum. 

Custom Design Distinction
Honors designs that met a client's request for a custom designed piece and the challenges encountered during the design process and how they were overcome.

Future of the Industry Award
Sponsored by MJSA Education Foundation 
Recognizes the work of students in jewelry-related programs who exhibit exceptional design talent and creativity.

Click here to learn more about this year's competition and find out how to enter NOW! Or visit the Career Center at

Thank you to our 2012 sponsors:
General Sponsor:
Rio Grande Logo
Laser Distinction:
Laserstar Logo
Gold Distinction:
Hoover & Strong Logo
Palladium Distinction:
Palladium Alliance
Platinum Distinction:
Platinum Guild Logo
Custom Design Distinction:
TechForm Logo
Future of the Industry:
MJSA Ed. Foundation Stacked
Media Sponsors:
Instore Logo
Metalsmith Logo

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