
Monday, January 9, 2012

Mastercut Diamond Jubilee Jewellery Competition

Mastercut Diamond Jubilee jewellery competition to launch at Spring Fair 2012

To celebrate the Royal Diamond Jubilee in 2012, Mastercut Diamonds is launching a Jubilee Diamond Design Competition at The Jewellery Show in Birmingham in February.

The competition's goal us to foster creative talent, with entrants encouraged to let their imaginations soar, and then translate this into an innovative piece of diamond jewellery, which will contain 20 sparkling Mastercut diamonds, valued at over £20,000.

The winning design will reflect the brand ethos of Mastercut Diamonds, the perfect expression of love. Every Mastercut diamond has a very special symmetrical cut that has been developed to bring out the maximum sparkle in the stone.

The competition will be judged by Jean-Paul Tolkowsky of Mastercut Diamonds and the winning design will be manufactured by Mastercut Diamonds. The piece will then be exhibited during London Jewellery Week, at the Company of Master Jewellers Business Conference in June and the CMJ Summer Trade Event in August, and at the IJL Show in London in September, as well as touring the country to be exhibited at selected Mastercut stockists.

The competition will be a valuable stepping stone for young designers on their way to successful careers in the jewellery industry, and the winner will also be awarded a free stand at the CMJ August Trade Event in Birmingham, with the chance to showcase their jewellery design to leading independent retail buyers across the UK and Ireland.

Submitted entries must be original designs, which have not previously been put on display or commercialised.

Diamonds must be an absolutely indispensable part of the jewellery design. The jewellery design should contain 20 Mastercut diamonds between 15pts and 50pts in size, set in 18ct white, rose or yellow gold.

Designs will be judged according to originality, wearability, the creative use of Mastercut diamonds and technical skill.

The competition is open to professional and non-professional designers, students, graduates, teachers, jewellers and goldsmiths based in the UK.

Participation is on an individual and not a company basis.

How to enter
  • Submit drawing(s) of your design(s).
  • Specifications for drawings: A4 size, full colour, top and bottom should be marked. Name and address of entrant must be included on the reverse of every design.
  • Competition entries can be emailed to or posted to Mastercut Diamond Jubilee Competition, The Company of Master Jewellers, Somers House, 25 Somers Road, Rugby, CV22 7DG.
  • Entries should be received before the closing date of 30th March 2012.

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