
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Jewelry Week Las Vegas: Is the World Of Diamonds As You've Known It About To Change Forever?

Are these world renowned diamond experts clairvoyant?

Through the Looking Glass - The Future of Diamonds
AGA Las Vegas Conference - Thursday, May 31, 2012 - 1- 5 pm
Is the World Of Diamonds As You've Known It About To Change Forever?
It might change in ways that we have never envisioned, and this conference is going to be the first to address issues no one else has dared to discuss until now. This could be one of the most important conferences ever on diamonds.

For thousands of years-since man's fascination with diamonds began-diamonds have been highly sought-after for every imaginable reason. They are steeped in history and intrigue, fact and fiction, and hold an unrivaled position as one of the most valuable of all things. Jewelers world-wide agree that diamonds are at the core of every successful jewelry business today. 

The story of diamonds, however, continues to unfold. It has seen many challenges and many changes: concerns about the depletion of natural diamond production; innovative high-tech treatments; new sources of colorless and fancy-color laboratory diamonds; and advances in technology for applications in other fields, from medicine and aerospace to the electronics industry.

Are YOU ready for the future of diamonds?

Come hear leaders from the gem and jewelry field -- and from other fields in which diamond technology is essential - as they address the issues surrounding diamond demand and supply, innovative technology, and the impact on diamond treatments, synthesis, and detection. 

MODERATOR   AGA-Alex_Grizenko
Alex Grizenko, CEO of Lucent Diamonds, will have you sitting on the edge of your seat as he sets the stage for a riveting exploration of the world of diamonds, guiding the expert panelists to address the future from their own set of experiences, and giving the audience a unique opportunity to envisionthrough a kaleidoscopic looking glass... the future of diamonds!

A renowned expert on new diamond technologies, Alex Grizenko is regarded today as one of the market leaders in laboratory-grown diamonds and treated natural diamonds.

Martin Rapaport established in 1978 the Rapaport Diamond Report, the primary source today of diamond price and market information. In 1980, he created RapNet - The Rapaport Network, the first and world's largest electronic diamond trading network, providing daily diamond listings of 550,000 diamonds worth over $4.5 billion dollars, with 3,900 members of the diamond trade in 70 countries. 

Can We Really Rely On A Continuous Supply Of Diamonds Any More... 
It's getting much harder today to find diamonds in a range of sizes and qualities. What is the future of diamond production and availability. Howard Coopersmith is a Registered Professional Geologist with over 35 years of experience in diamond deposits, project evaluation, due diligence, feasibility, development and mining. His work has gained the recognition as one of the world's most respected diamond mining expert.

So Why Are Heated Diamonds HOT...   AGA-Sonny_Pope

For most of the 20th century, diamond "treatments" were superficial and easy to spot. By the end of the 20th century, gemology was having a hard time keeping up with technology. The gemological labs did catch up but now let's fast forward to 2012, to expert panelist Sonny Pope, CEO, Suncrest Diamonds. He has been actively involved in the high pressure, high temperature field for twenty-five years, innovating and perfecting the process. 

And Will Fancy Color Diamonds Some Day Outnumber the Colorless...    

Satisfying the demand for color diamonds might prove possible with atechnology created by Jay Neogi, the Co-founder of Serenity Technologies that uses an ion induction color treatment to any natural or synthetic diamonds. Some have called it coating. Serenity states that their diamonds are stable under all normal use conditions including elevated temperatures, sonication baths and dilute acids/caustics used during jewelry setting, rhodium plating, repair and cleaning operations.

Will My Blue Diamond Ring Also Be My Supercomputer...  AGA-Robert_Linares 

There are several ways to grow a diamond, from HPHT to CVD, and there aremany different types of growers. Labs are perfecting the science of diamondgrowth for applications that tend far beyond the gem and jewelry industries. Founder of Apollo Diamonds, Dr. Robert C. Linares is a co-developer of CVD Technology. His research allows electronics and optics technology to move beyond the limitations of silicon based devices.

Tell Me That You Can Tell The Difference.....     AGA-James_Shigley

Today the sophisticated grading labs can distinguish between natural and synthetic diamonds, and natural and treated color. But can all labs do it effectively? Dr. James Shigley is a Distinguished Research Fellow at the Gemological Institute of America. He continues to advance GIA's gem research program to support the jewelry trade to meet the challenges of gem identification of natural, synthetic, and treated diamonds.



AGA & Gem-A Members ONLY: $50 
Non-Members ONLY: $75

Register after May 15th
AGA & Gem-A Members: $75
Non-Members: $100

You may register at the door. However, we are unable to guarantee you a seat. 

The Mirage - "Jamaica Room" 
3400 S. Las Vegas Blvd.,
 Las Vegas, NV 89109

AGA thanks its sponsors:  
JIBNA - Jewelry Insurance Brokerage of North America
GLDA Vegas Show  

The Accredited Gemologists Association
is an independent, international, nonprofit organization dedicated to:
Gemological Education & Research
Identification & Evaluation of Gem Materials
Development of Professional Standards of Analysis, Practice & Ethics

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