
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

World’s Largest CSARITE® Faceted By Milenyum Mining

Milenyum Mining Facets 
World’s Largest CSARITE® 

Milenyum Mining Limited is excited to announce the discovery 
and cutting of the world’s largest known faceted CSARITE® gemstone. 

The 121.65 carat pear shape rarity was cut from recently recovered rough of approximately 430 grams from the world’s only CSARITE® mine. Previously, the largest known faceted CSARITE® was an 88.49 carat pear shape that took home a coveted 2014 AGTA Cutting Edge Award. The only other large CSARITE® gemstones of a similar size have been cabochon gems that exhibit the cats eye and color change effect.

“It was an exciting challenge to cut this stone,” stated Rudi Wobito, Master Cutter of WOBITO that did the actual faceting. “CSARITE® rough very rarely produces a fine gem of this size and caliber. And it’s a very slow process to shape the rough and finally arrive at the finished gem. We studied the material from all angles for weeks before deciding on the final shape.”

Murat Akgun, president of Milenyum Mining Limited explains, “Typical loss from rough CSARITE® is 98%. We have recovered rough pieces three times the size of this one, and ended up with no faceted stones. We lost only 95% of the large specimen in cutting this gem, again setting it apart as a truly unique gem! This fine quality CSARITE® is certainly the world’s largest at this time, and we expect the retail price to be close to a million dollars."

The lively gem is beautifully cut and exhibits a pronounced and vivid color change. Interest in the rare and valuable gemstone is expected by both private collectors and top designers. Once decided, the future of this exceptional piece will be announced via press release.

MML is the world’s only source supply of CSARITE®, a natural, unenhanced color-change gemstone. Responsible for cutting and marketing of this phenomenal gemstone, MML’s mission is to introduce gem and jewelry connoisseurs around the globe to CSARITE®’s unique beauty and rarity. MML is a member of The International Colored Gemstone Association. Visit for a list of authorized retailers.

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