
Sunday, March 31, 2013

International Consortium of Gem Testing Laboratories (ICGTL) Uniting Gem Labs Worldwide

Last December (2012), seven gemologists from different corners of the world -- Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Singapore and Thailand -- convened to form the International Consortium of Gem Testing Laboratories (ICGT).

This international consortium, initiated by Dr. Jayshree Panjikar and  Henry Ho, aims to unite independent laboratories around the world in order to share and exchange knowledge and experience. In doing so, the ICGL would be providing each laboratory an access to a pool of experts, as well as a common platform to communicate for the betterment and advancement of its members.

About 30 independent professional gem testing laboratories are expected to be invited to join the consortium based upon their expertise and as per the criteria defined in the rule-book of ICGL. A data center is expected to be established to archive articles and lab data, such as the origins of gemstones. The latest information on gem treatments, advanced lab testing techniques, mines, general educational and training, and diamond treatments are among the many topics that have been mentioned as part of the objectives of this initiative.
, seven gemologists from different corners of the world -- Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Singapore and Thailand -- convened to form the International Consortium of Gem Testing Laboratories (ICGTL). 
The purpose of ICGL is to promote excellence in the field of gemology and to reach the final consumer by providing reliable sources as an alternative to the plethora of misleading information available today, in particular on the Internet. Besides, the ICGL plans to undertake joint research projects, including the publication of documents and articles and other relevant laboratory activities. Accordingly, the first newsletter of ICGL was released at the 2013 Tucson Fair by Branko Deljanin in the U.S.

Henry Ho with  the Asian Institute of Gemological Sciences, Bangkok, Thailand; Jayshree Panjikar with Pangem Testing Laboratory, Pune, India; Branko Deljanin with the Canadian Gemological Laboratory, Vancouver, Canada; Tay Thye Sun with the Far East Gemological Laboratory, Singapore; Elisabeth Strack with Gemmologisches Institut Hamburg Germany; Masaki Furuya with Japan Germany Gemtesting Laboratory Kofu, Japan, and Dominic Mok with the Asian Gemmological Institute & Laboratory Ltd, Hong Kong.

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