
Sunday, June 18, 2017

#GemTalk "Secrets of the Gem Trade" the Revised , Expanded 2nd Edition #SecretsoftheGemTrade

It is always exciting when new information comes to ground - and if you are anything like me, you gobble it up!!!   ....and it seems there is new info every day!

I have three favorite go to references  - 1.), 2.) Secrets of the Gem Trade by Richard Wise and 3.) my library of Walter Schumann, Renee Newman, Fred Ward & Antoinette Matlins books.  

So when I found out there was a new Revised 2nd Edition of "Secrets of the Gem Trade" I knew I needed to get my hands on it - WOW - am I glad I did!!!

Usually, a new edition comes out and you pull the old one off the shelf to replace it with the new one - but in this case....hold on to the old one, the info is still good (and the format is more conducive to travel - make it your gem show edition) and the new expanded 2nd Edition is almost entirely new!

The largely expanded 2nd edition of "Secrets of the Gem Trade" has been completely rewritten with major revisions.   This new 2nd edition is one third larger with 11 new chapters, 5 new introductory essays and more than  161 additional images. 

What's New?
Fabulous Feldspars:  offers an Introduction and well thought out Overview of the topic featuring two new chapters one on Moonstone (12) and one on Sunstone (13)

Blue White Diamonds:  Following an Introducton and Overview there are two new Chapters....Colorless Diamonds (18) and Golconda or Type IIa Diamonds (19)

This section shows off the extensive knowledge of the author on the topic - for those who don't already now it, Richard Wise is also the author of the "The French Blue" - if you are a history buff or lover of all things diamonds - Pick up a copy!!!!

In the Garnet Group the new Demantoid Garnet chapter is brilliant!

The World of Natural Pearls:  an entire section on NATURAL Pe arls with an Introduction and Overview and two new chapters....Natural Nacreous Pearls (24) and Conch Pearls (25).

A new chapter on Peridot (29) covers this gem from Biblical Times to today.
Jade, The Inscrutable Gem: a topic dear to the author's heart features an Introduction and Overview as well as a new chapter on that finest of Jades, Jadeite (34) I learned more from this single chapter than I've learned from some books.

In the Fancy and Colored Diamond section you will find a new Violet Diamonds (51) chapter.

Finishing up with Spinel - featuring an Introduction and Overview and two new chapters on Red Spinel (53) and Cobalt Blue Spinel (54).

....and remember there are 43 re written Chapters from the original this gem!

This book is a must for jewelers, gemologists and laymen alike....YOU MUST GET YOUR HANDS ON A COPY!!!  Check out the author's website for more info and a free chapter to read.... 

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