
Call for Entries:Holding Place: A Repository of Containers and Vessels by Metalsmiths Around the World
One of the axioms of mathematics is that the container must be greater than the contained. Prove us right!
Ganoksin is pleased to announce its third annual International Online Jewelry Exhibition. This year's theme will be "Holding Place: A Repository of Containers and Vessels by Metalsmiths Around the World".

Viking Bowl, copper, 10.5" x 5"
Fold formed bowl on hammered fabricated stand.
Louise C Coulson, Kingfisher Designs Metals.
Aberdeen, MS. USA
The exhibition is open to all metalsmiths, professional and amateur, advanced and beginner, around the world. All metal containers and vessels are eligible for entry. Examples include, but are not limited to, pill boxes, vases, bowls, pitchers, lockets, prayer boxes and memento mori.
As this is an online exhibition the work will only be seen via the photographs metalsmiths submit. It is therefore vital that these be in focus, on a neutral background (preferably not textured), and do an excellent job allowing the viewer to really see the piece and the workmanship involved. Any photographs not meeting exhibition standards will not be used, and the submitting metalsmith will be asked to re-submit the entry with a higher quality of photograph. Works will be juried by the curator and director.
The exhibition will be curated by Beth Wicker, Co-President of the North Carolina Society of Goldsmiths in the United States, and Adjunct Instructor at Northeastern Technical College in South Carolina. Director of the exhibition is Hanuman Aspler, founder of The Ganoksin Project, the world's largest internet jewelry site.
Entries are accepted from now until January 15, 2013
Details and entry information is available at
Please contact Beth Wicker at http://www.ganoksin.com/gnkurl/contact with any questions.
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