Call for Nominations for the Antonio C. Bonanno Award for Excellence in Gemology
The Accredited Gemologists Association is calling for nominations for The Antonio C. Bonanno Award for Excellence in Gemology. Named in honor of its founding father for his many contributions to the gemological field and his work to establish and maintain high professional standards, past recipients of this prestigious award include: this Dr. Henry Hanni of Switzerland; Alan Hodgkinson and Alan Jobbins of the United Kingdom; CR Beesley, Robert Crowningshield, John Koivula, Antoinette Matlins, Shane McClure, Jim Shigley, and Chris Smith of the United States. The award consists of a specially commissioned bronze plaque, along with a specially commissioned medallion and check for $2,000.
Winners are announced each year in Tucson, Arizona, at a Gala Awards Ceremony and Dinner-Dance held at the conclusion of the AGA Gemological Conference. This year’s conference and award ceremony will be held on February 3, 2010, during the Tucson International Gem Fair.
The sole requirement for this award, which is international in scope, is that the candidate must have made a significant contribution to the field of gemology, or defended and upheld gemological standards in a way that has significantly benefited the gem and jewelry community. Accomplishments can be in the field of education, research, instrumentation, or the discovery of innovative techniques or practices that can be applied to gemological procedures or standards.
To nominate someone for the Antonio C. Bonanno Award for Excellence in Gemology, please write a brief background statement (200 words or less) about the candidate and why you think this award is merited.
AGA submission form and details on their site.