CIBJO President Celebrates French Gemmological Association's 50th year,
praises critical role of gemmologists in maintaining consumer confidence
CIBJO President Gaetano Cavalieri addressing the 50th anniversary gemmological conference of l'Association Française de Gemmologie. |
Gaetano Cavalieri, joined government officials, senior industry representatives and leading gemmologists from around the world at a conference in Paris last week, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of l'Association Française de Gemmologie (AFG), the French Gemmological Association.
Addressing the gathering, Dr, Cavalieri credited AFG and the gemmologial community of enhancing the confidence of consumers in jewellery and the jewellery industry, through their efforts to advance the principles of full transparency and disclosure.
"Consumer confidence is the platform on which we stand. If it becomes fragile and collapses, so will we," he stated, wishing AFG, its president, Didier Giard, and its Council of Administration, "many more years of serving as one of the buttresses of the foundation on which we all stand."
"Your ability to keep abreast of developments in the marketplace and the minefields, to conduct proper and disciplined scientific research, to publish and disseminate what you have learned, and then to serve the industry through gem identification and grading is absolutely essential," Dr. Cavalieri stated. "We are dependent upon your professional integrity, the quality of your research and the way in which you organise and operate your laboratories. You hold the reputation of our business in the palms of your hands. It is a privilege and also a great responsibility."
The CIBJO President called on the participants at the participants and the conference to contribute to the review and maintenance of the CIBJO Blue Books, which he described as "the most universally recognised and accepted set of jewellery and gemstone standards in the world."
CIBJO President Gaetano Cavalieri (left) looks on, as AFG President Didier Giard addresses the gathering.
Participants at the gemmological conference, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the l'Association Française de Gemmologie, in Paris.

Press Release submitted by CIBJO