Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
GL Gem SpectrometerTM - now available
GL Gem SpectrometerTM - now available
September 13, 2010, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
This advanced gem testing tool allows for fast real-time spectral analysis and bulk testing of both rough and faceted gemstones and will be of great interest to gemmologists, jewellers, gem dealers and others.
The portable spectrometer (UV-VIS-NIR, 300 - 1,000 nm) comes with the GL Halogen 10W Gem HolderTM and can be operated from the USB port of a laptop/netbook computer. No additional drivers are necessary; the easy to learn GLGemSpec software displays both absorbance and transmission spectra.
For more technical data and description go to the GLGemSpec webpage.. Price for immediate delivery US$ 1,695.00. Order now on-line at Gemlab Books & Instruments.
Note: The GLGemSpec (version 2.0) software works only with the GL Gem SpectrometerTM; the GL Halogen 10W Gem HolderTM is an exclusive design of Gemlab Research & Technology and is protected by copyright laws.
Contact: Wolf Kuehn, Gemlab Research & Technology, (604) 530-8569 or send e-mail.
Mailing address: P.O. Box 57010, Vancouver, B.C., V5K 5G6 CANADA