Google+ The Daily Jewel: 12/15/13 - 12/22/13


Saturday, December 21, 2013

#DailyJewel - Cynthia Renee's Wisteria Ring...via Farlang

Cynthia Renée, Inc. Wisteria ring can handle any of your favorite gemstones. This particular one is shown with a 10 ct (!) Lavender Cuprian Tourmaline. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

#DailyJewel - Black Diamonds from the FABULOUS Nan Fusco!

...and then there was one... One-of-a-kind triple wrap bracelet/necklace with pave bezeled ruby, diamond roundels and magnetic clasp.  $1,375

N A N  F U S C O

Thursday, December 19, 2013

“A Designer’s Celebration” from FARLANG at David Nygaard Jewelers

FARLANG and David Nygaard Jewelers present “A Designer’s Celebration”, 
a designer showcase with close to 150 pieces of fine jewelry 
created by award-winning designers flown in for this exclusive holiday event.

Gordon Aatlo Signature Ring - more at
An emphasis was placed on showcasing a diverse range of designs, techniques, 
All are one-of-a-kind or limited edition,
 on display at this location through December 30th.

Hand carved cameo Rose from Rainforest Designs
The focus of this event is to “help find that perfect piece of jewelry”, 
FARLANG’s mission statement - allowing guys to bring a photo of their lady 
so an expert can point out pieces that compliment her signature style and ladies can get help to tie together an outfit with fine jewelry 
or spruce up their New Year’s outfit: NOW is the time to prepare for 2014. 

A grand opening with a jazz band outside, and hors d’oevres inside will take place on Saturday the 21st with an Open House on Sunday the 22nd - 
but the pieces are for sale in the store every day through December 30th.

Different Seasons Jewelry featuring rare gems

FARLANG is one of the world’s larger international online communities of curated fine jewelry & rare gemstones. FARLANG started as a marketplace, based in Silicon Valley but now works globally and increasingly focuses on creating personalized experiences for and recommendations to the end consumer. This is accomplished both online using machine learning (a type of artificial intelligence), algorithms or offline in private sales or in partnership with a retailer using different technological tools and methods.

David Nygaard is a Master Gemologist Appraiser™ and jeweler. 
David has been a contributing editor of Jewelers Circular Keystone Magazine and In Store Magazine, serves on the Board of Governors for the Jewelers Education Foundation, and is a frequent jewelry speaker both in and out of the industry.

David Nygaard Jewelers 

754 First Colonial Road

Virginia Beach

(757) 965-3337 

#DailyJewel - Jean Noel Soni - ParaTraditional Design

Sunstone (Oregon, USA) • 9.96 Carats, 16.35mm x 16.00mm

One-of-a-kind, ParaTraditional design & faceting by Jean-Noel Soni. Created without computers!

Check out this great article by Jean Noel Soni for InStore Magazine...

The Business: Bring Back the Wonder

Use custom-cut stones to create heirloom-worthy pieces

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

#DailyJewel - Claudia Endler Designs

I use the power of proportion, attention to detail, and the omission of the non-essential elements to bring each piece to its minimum and purest form." - ce 

I have been a Claudia Endler fan for a couple years now - thought I would share a little with you!

Claudia Endler is passionate about jewelry, art, architecture, design, and self-expression. "Ever since I was little you could not drag me away from jewelry store windows." So, after a successful career as a designer representative in the fashion industry, Claudia's passions and talents collided, culminating in the formation of Claudia Endler Designs: one of Los Angeles' leading contemporary jewelry design enterprises.


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