Check the monthly schedule below to determine which monthly contests you should enter.
Don't miss your chance to be recognized as our industry's best in your area of specialty! Once entries are in, voting will open to industry members to determine industry's choice winners. In addition, an expert panel of judges will determine overall winners for prizes as outlined below.
A $50 application fee applies for each entry submitted.

Judge's Pick - One winner will be chosen in each of the 12 monthly contests and will receive:
Mention in a 4/c ad in National Jeweler magazine
Editorial announcement in National Jeweler magazine
Editorial announcement on NationalJeweler.com and the Daily News newsletter
Showcased on NationalJeweler.com
Mention in a 4/c ad in National Jeweler magazine
Editorial announcement in National Jeweler magazine
Editorial announcement on NationalJeweler.com and the Daily News newsletter
Showcased on NationalJeweler.com
People's choice - Recognition along with the category winners
Monthly Award Categories:
January - Print Advertising
February - Colored Stone Jewelry
March - Online Advertising
April - Silver
May - Outdoor Advertising
June - Gold Jewelry
July - Platinum Jewelry
July - Platinum Jewelry
August - Direct Mail Advertising
September - Diamond and Bridal Jewelry
October - Radio Advertising
November - Watches
December - TV Advertising
Judges - Editorial, creative and marketing experts in the field will review and judge entries. Judges for 2009:
Victoria Gomelsky, Couture International Jeweler
Lorraine DePasque, National Jeweler
Amanda Gizzi, Jewelry Information Center
Victoria Gomelsky, Couture International Jeweler
Lorraine DePasque, National Jeweler
Amanda Gizzi, Jewelry Information Center
Enter today and win! http://njn.nielsencontests.com/bin/Register
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