With Gold hovering around the $1400 per oz price and Platinum at $1650 per oz, why wouldn't you opt for Platinum? it is downright affordable!!!

This is the time of year when couples everywhere are "sealing the deal" - marriage proposals are a popular Holiday gift and Engagement Rings are a top selling item.
Would you ever have thought that you would hear the words Platinum and Affordable in the same sentence? No? ...me either! But right now Platinum is the ideal choice...why? for the same reason that diamond is a preferred stone...you want your ring, like your love, to be "FOREVER".

Have you ever wondered why all the great Estate and Antique Jewelry in Platinum is in such great shape and the details are still crisp? Just look at the fine milgraining, engraved shoulder and band detail on the Edwardian Engagement Ring and Art Deco Diamond Ring from the Fay Cullen website!
Platinum doesn't erode - when you look at your 18k Wedding Band is the braided detail rubbing down in areas? Due to the density, Platinum doesn't change shape or wear away so it is often used for prongs or the setting/head on gold rings.
Platinum is pure so you won't have allergy issues with Platinum and the natural white metal won't cast color onto a diamond or yellow with age.

Platinum is:
- Pure
- Natural
- Durable
- Never Fades
...think about it, isn't that everything you want your love to be for someone you care deeply about?
Whether you go with an Estate piece or you start a family tradition with a Modern ring (like this stunning Danhov ring from Samuel Gordon's)...if it is Platinum, it (like your love) will endure.

...and just in time for your Holiday Proposal, Platinum Guild International just launched a new budget calculator: www.preciousplatinum.com/calculator .
Send your partner to the site, where they can enter their annual salary, and browse platinum engagement ring styles that FIT within their budget.
Celebrities including Megan Fox, Carrie Underwood, Emily Blunt, and Nicole Richie wear platinum engagement rings.
Celebrities including Megan Fox, Carrie Underwood, Emily Blunt, and Nicole Richie wear platinum engagement rings.
Special Thanks to Nikki over at PRLab for the great PGI info - Fay Cullen for the Estate Rings and Dan Gordon at Samuel Gordon for the Danhov Band Ring!
Before choosing platinum you may want to consider the following:
Unlike 14k gold which is 58% pure or 18k gold, 75% pure, platinum is used 90-95% pure. In addition, platinum is 40% denser than gold meaning that one cubic inch of platinum WEIGHS 40% more than an identical block of pure gold.
WOW - thanks so much for the clarification!!! So, much like with gems the density changes what an oz looks like.
Example: One Carat Diamond (6mm) vs One Carat Opal (8 - 9mm)
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