EMOTICON via Wikipedia - An emoticon (/ɨˈmoʊtɨkɒn/) is a metacommunicative pictorial representation of a facial expression which in the absence of body languageand prosody serves to draw a receiver's attention to the tenor or temper of a sender's nominal verbal communication, changing and improving its interpretation. It expresses—usually by means of punctuation marks—a person's feelings or mood and can include numbers and letters, as well. These emoticons are usually flipped sideways. As social media has become widespread, emoticons have played a significant role in communication through technology. These emoticons offer another range of "tone" and feeling through texting that portrays specific emotions through facial gestures while in the midst of cyber communication.

Who knew back in the day when "emoticons" became the language of the internet, and later found it's niche in text messages and social media, that Emoji Jewelry would be a real category and is even found in fine jewelry! ....hmmm emoji heirloom jewelry?

Of course the minute I start talking Wendy Brandes I have to bring up the piece of jewelry that, for me, put Wendy on my radar. Years ago on Twitter (wow, who ever thought we would be saying THAT!) I saw a jeweler talking about her new necklace...Mud Flap Jill! I couldn't believe that someone gave my FAV traffic distraction, Mud Flap Girl, a name - AND immortalized her in Gold!!! ...this is on my To Buy List - just link Mud Flap Girl heirloom jewelry - that makes me smile!
Before this turns into a Wendy Brandes love fest which would be so easy to do! More recently the designer made my Top 5 Daily Go To Jewelry List for her fabulous mismatched "Heart U" earrings. I may work in Jewelry but I am a Huggies and Studs girl.
...and then there is the ultimate in Emoticon Jewels - Lorraine Schwartz' Happy Face Bracelet!
How can you see these and not smile?
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