How do they form? * Why do they shine? * What sets value in a gem? * How can you spot a simulant or synthetic? * What creates a cat'seye or star in a gem? * How can you tell one red gemstone like a ruby, from another like a red garnet, or a piece of red glass? * Which gems are best for jewelry and why? * Where and how are gems mined? * How are they cut and polished? * What is the toughest gemstone? (No, it's not diamond!) * What the heck are these?
If you're interested in learning about gemology from a scientific rather than from a commercial or artistic viewpoint, then you are in the right place (not that either art or commerce are unimportant or will be ignored, they just won't be our main focus.)

Many years ago a chance encounter with a little book on gemstones changed my life. At that time, I was a more than 20 year veteran professor of biology, and had always thought of stones primarily as places for bugs to hide under. :-)

The next logical step was to learn to cut stones myself. Not being the type of person who can learn easily from illustrations in books, I sought out a mentor from our local gem and mineral club. He was kind enough to let me sit by his side and watch him facet, and later cut stones on his machine. I was hooked. I ordered my own equipment and, to be honest, made every mistake it is possible for a new cutter to make--at least three times. But, ultimately, I got the hang of it. Before too long I had reached the point of no return -- too many gems piling up. The only way I could continue cutting the high grade gem material that I loved was to sell some of it, so I started this business.
Initially, sales were by mail order via classified ads, and locally by word of mouth. The ACS website debuted on the internet in August of 1997 with a few dozen stones for sale, all of which I cut myself. As time went on, and the website became more and more popular, I slowly acquired my associations with the select group of affiliated cutters whose work I purchase or consign.
By 2001 it was impossible for me to continue to cut stones, run a business, teach full time and have a family life. As a result, I "retired" from my college biology teaching job to concentrate more energy on my gem interests. (Semi-retired is more accurate, as I still teach classes as an Emeritus Professor at Community College of Southern Nevada, here in Las Vegas, only now I'm teaching Introductory Gemology for the Geology Department.)
After obtaining the GG, I began preparing a science-based introductory gemology course for the geology department at Community College of Southern Nevada. I began teaching this course in Fall, 2004 in a traditional on-campus format. As of Fall, 2005, an internet verison became available through CCSN which makes the course available to students anywhere in the country (or in the world for that matter) through the college's distance education department.

Jewelry Design
Jewelry design has been one of my continuing interests and aspirations. A few years ago, BWS/FS Designs made their debut on the website, and are exclusive to ACS. My designs are primarily sleek, contemporary pendants, and pin/pendants, in gold with rare and unusual stones in interesting combinations. They have been fabricated to perfection by Felipe Sandoval, Master Jeweler and Goldsmith.
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