When it comes to the hottest jewelry trends, Costis fine jewelry is right on point!

This upcoming fall season is all about bold statement jewelry and dramatic designs that show off your personal style. Also known as “Power” pieces, these items include extraordinary necklaces, bracelets with large stones, oversized rings, and long and dangling earrings in an array of daring colors.
Jewelry connoisseurs everywhere can tell you that their favorite pieces have movement and the ability to "catch the light". With focal gems that move, Costis has that DOWN!
Costis’ Frame in Motion Collection will not allow you to go unnoticed. With a jewelry collection this stunning, you are sure to make an outstanding and luxurious statement this fall!
“Creativity has no limits, and dynamic design is our power.” These are the principles under which fine jewelry designer Costis Chamamtzis founded his prestigious, signature jewelry brand. A true artist, Costis has curated his collection of fine jewelry combining the synergy of innovative design and impeccable craftsmanship to produce fascinating works of wearable, timeless art. His designs appeal to the modern, dynamic woman who desires a unique, special piece of jewelry.

Costis cites nature as his main inspiration; for him, nature is a research tool from which he discovers forms that both fascinate and illuminate. He sees life all around him, including in a city landscape, buildings and design. He combines mechanics and form in his creations under the belief that jewelry should be as “alive as the person wearing it,” and thus become a part of the wearer. These small, handmade masterpieces represent an idea and can mark the most special moments. A fundamental belief in Costis’ work is to elevate ordinary, everyday objects so that they may take on a new, greater meaning. He achieves this through experimentation, ingenious design and attention to every detail—characteristics which have become synonymous with “Costis” throughout Greece and Italy where he is a member if the Italian Industrial Design Association (the ADI).
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